Thursday, September 20, 2007

The instruments are bigger than they are!!

We thought you may like to see Wade and Hunter as they are learning to play their new instruments.

Wade chose the bass clarinet. As you can see in the photo, it is much larger (and heavier) than a normal clarinet. It has a rich, deep tone. He has only had it for two weeks now, and he already knows eleven notes. He can play "Ode to Joy" beautifully!!

Hunter had the option of violin, viola, or cello. As you can see, he chose the cello. And because his hands are so big, he got the largest one in the class! (It is a 3/4 size, for all you music people out there). He is not allowed to use the actual bow yet, just plucking notes so far. He is doing a great job.

Needless to say, Milly's petite little oboe looks quite different compared to these giant instruments. We have quite an orchestra at our house now. Levi plays his little recorder when he wants to join in...

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