Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday Night at the Night Market

Recently we began a family tradition where each Friday night we go to the night market right down the road from our apartment. As you can see by the picture, many other people go as well. The night market consists of many types of vendors and tons of food! Of course there is a lot of Chinese food, but there is also a burrito man. I am hesitant to tell you what our two younger boys love the best - "chicken butt." The sign actually says this in English. As you can imagine there are many interesting sites to see and smells to sniff. We usually give the kids about NT50 to spend ($1.50 US) and let them have at it. The boys love to play various games while Milly usually purchases pearl milk tea -- a favorite of Page's too. Other favorite night market spots are the lady who sells the beautiful cotton skirts and blouses from Thailand, the crowded school supply store, and the DVD rental place. We have all come to look forward to this Friday night tradition here in Taipei.


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! Maggie sure misses Hunter and frequently says so... It sounds like things are going well. We had a good Preg. Care Center Banquet last night with Harvey's son-in-law speaking about Pierce "unique by design"...

Maggie is great, enjoys GA's, choir and Mr Oakley's class.. Got almost all "O's" and really likes math.

Hope all is well and I will try to get Maggie to write Hunter soon.

Marie and Maggie

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading the Curlee update and seeing these pictures. It's terrific that grandparents were able to make the trip. Looks like you showed them a good time. The Friday night thing sounds like fun. We think of you and pray for you often.

Monica, Jerald, Karis & Olivia