Saturday, November 18, 2006

Fun Day at School

Friday was a fun day at school. In the secondary school, each student had to dress up as a super hero. As you can see by the picture, Milly makes a GREAT super woman, thanks to her brothers' dress-up clothes. Of course, Wade is being his normal goofy self in the background. On Friday evening, the elementary school had their Thanksgiving concert. Wade participated, but sad Hunter was still out with the chicken pox. By the way, Hunter is doing much better now and should be able to go back to school on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Milly, You make a powerful Super Woman!!! And Wade, I loved seeing your face peeking out around her...You're a mess. (Every time I comment on a picture I have to start over and go back to your e-mail.---Computers continue to totally intimidate me!!)