Monday, March 10, 2008

From the mouths of babes!

The first graders at Morrison Christian Academy had to write a sentence on what they would do if Jesus came to their house. The answers are posted outside the classroom. The words touched my heart, and I wanted to share them with you. I understand why Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)

If Jesus came to my house, I would play the piano for Him.

If Jesus came to my house, I would teach Him how to sing and run fast.

If Jesus came to my house, I would teach Him now to read.

If Jesus came to my house, I would tell Him to stay as long as He wishes.

If Jesus came to my house, I would give Him my watch.

If Jesus came to my house, I would whistle for Him.

If Jesus came to my house, I would want Him to live there.

If Jesus came to my house, I would give Him the best thing in my house.

If Jesus came to my house, I would do whatever He wanted me to do.

If Jesus came to my house, I would teach Him how to draw.

If Jesus came to my house, I would give Him a pet dog.

If Jesus came to my house, I would give Him all my best jewelry ("julry").

If Jesus came to my house, I would play piano for Him.

If Jesus came to my house, I would let Him eat my food all up.

If Jesus came to my houes, I would give Him some hand lotion ("loshin").

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