Thursday, March 20, 2008

a prayer request...

Okay ppls...I don't know how many of you actually read this but for those that do...i have a prayer request. There is this guy in my class that is not a Christian and believes in evolution (this is Milly btw). He and I r really close...I'd say he's one of my best friends. Well, my heart really aches for him as i c him w/out God and all the joy and peace he could have. Please pray that he'll hear the message while it is presented in our school and that i'll be a good example to him. not only that he'd hear it, but that it would penetrate his heart and that he'll understand and believe. it would make me really happy to know that ur praying for him. i love ya'll.
TURTLES RULE~ Milly (sry im not allowed to say his just regard him as a guy in my class while ur praying for him....if u pray for him...plez do tho...)


Anonymous said...

i'll be praying for him as well!

Anonymous said...

milly, ill pray for him as well! =)

Rope Holders said...

Hey Milly!

We will be praying for you and your friend! (and yes we faithfully read your blog :) Megan and Colin have been having the same issues at their school. Colin's teacher is an athiest and he has been adebating with her about evolution. Megan's friends are of different faiths and she has been trying to be a light to them too.

Megan has been wanting to call you. We got your phone # from the Oweis' but we don't know when is a good time to call. Why don't you call us when you get a chance 336-638-9997. We will be home all week-end.

God has given you a tender heart for your friends. We will continue to pray for strength and encouragement for you. We will also pray for opportunities for you to "speak truth" to your friend. Your Dad says that God gives us gnetle nudges when He wants us to speak up for Him. It is our job to act on those nudges. Listen to your heart Milly!!

We are proud of you!!

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for him too!

Arnold Austin Jr said...

We don't often comment, but we read.

We are praying from Peru

Kay's Blog said...

milly, y r really amazing. i am praying that your friend will hear the word and i know that u r a very good example for him. u never know when you plant the seed and God takes over to change a heart. we can't change a person, only God can do that.
i love you and will pray for your friend and for u.

Kay's Blog said...

i am trying again to comment to u.
i will pray for your friend. we can only plant the seed and God makes the changes. i know you r a very good example and i know the seed has been planted.
i will pray for your friend and for u!
I love you,

Anonymous said...

thank you, Lord, for milly's heart for all people to know You. draw her friend to Yourself so that he would call You his friend as well. show Him that You are Creator.