Saturday, August 19, 2006

Keith turns 40!!!!

  • It is certainly hard to believe that I am married to an "old" man now. Keith had a good day on Friday celebrating his big day. He woke and checked the computer to find almost 30 emails wishing him a happy birthday. Then in the afternoon he opened all the cards that I have been collecting over the last week or so and a few packages. His favorite was a U-lock for a bicycle that Milly had purchased for him. His bicycle with the usual chain lock was stolen last week! He bought a new bike today with his birthday money, and we hope it won't be stolen with his handy U-lock on it now! He bought a very plain one with no gears, no fancy things or flashy paint. Maybe nobody will want it! :)

    In the evening, Milly watched the three boys as we went to our favorite Chinese restaraunt - - The "Green Table Cloth". We don't know the real name, but all the foreigners call it this because the tables have green table cloths. Next week we are going to have a "party" at Outback Steak House! We invited several of the other missionaries here, some teachers from Bethany, and some of our house church members - I will let you know how it goes. Going to Outback is a special treat - we have only been there a few times: once Milly and I went with some other girls for a girls' night out, and the other time Papa was here!

    Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you for remembering Keith's special day and to let you know he is the same great guy even though he is so old now. You made his day!!!


Whitfield Family said...

Happy Birthday old man. Welcome to the club.

Anonymous said...

Old is good!!
SO glad Keith's day was special.
It's also good to have a "Middle Schooler" to babysit.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry, I forgot. I'm still adjusting to the school routine. I remember Keith telling me that he couldn't sleep the night before school started each year. I hope you were able to get some sleep before your kids started back. Oh, by the way, I'm still in my 30's.
Fondly, Sandy Fowler